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Cook Remembered as Dedicated Family Man, Soldier

2003 SHS grad laid to rest in Massachusetts Monday.

Army Spec. Michael B. Cook, Jr. was fondly remembered by friends, family and colleagues Monday as they paid him their last respects.

Army Gen. John McGuiness eulogized Cook, 27, as "a true American hero" at the funeral ceremony held at St. Thomas Church in West Springfield, Mass. McGuiness noted Cook was "the kind of soldier that anyone would want in their outfit."

The 2003 Salem High School graduate was killed when a joint U.S.-Iraq base in Baghdad was attacked on June 6. Cook was serving as an adviser to Iraqi security forces. He was with the 1st Battalion, 7th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division of Fort Riley, Kansas.

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Cook was also remembered as capable, competent, upbeat and professional. Those who knew him spoke of his devotion to his young family, including his wife, Samantha, and his children, Hailee and Michael III.

"There was never a time when he wasn't ready to help," said McGuiness, the Deputy Commander of Army Research, Development and Engineering Command and Senior Commander of the Natick Soldiers System Center in Natick, Mass.

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The program for the funeral included a passage stating Cook was "always a jokester" and his laughter "still rings in our ears and quick smiles still light up our rooms."

Participating in the ceremony were several dozen members of the Patriot Guard Riders, who stood with American flags to honor Cook.

During the funeral ceremony Cook was honored with several posthumous awards and medals, including the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart and the Good Conduct Medal. Cook has also been honored with the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Overseas Service Ribbon, the Iraqi Campaign Medal, the Combat Action Badge and the Army Service Ribbon.

"We remember his selflessness and his service," McGuiness said.

Following the funeral, a burial service was held at the Massachusetts State Veterans Cemetery in nearby Agawam, Mass.

Cook is also survived by his parents, Michael Sr. and Patti, as well as his brother Lucas and sister Kimberly.

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